
The Nation of Wa - Yamato
Humanity & Justice
A small nation with a unique culture built by both Humans and Yokai.
At the Battle of Ichijo Return Bridge, the Human Samurai Jinnosuke defeated the Half-Demon General Rasho, both sides agreeing to a ceasefire on paper with coprosperity as a main condition. Nonetheless, incidents caused by dissident yokai continue to make diplomacy very difficult for these two military leaders as they struggle to subjugate both sides.

Lands of El Dorado
Dragon King Isle
Beginning & the End
The Federation of Pays Blanc
Freedom & Adventure
The Empire of Obsidonia
Decadence & Glory
The Tribal Lands of Verdancia
Overgrowth & The Wild
Land of Surtsey
Heart & Power
The Holy Republic of Amberdon
Magic & Transcendence
(Sepian Trade Association)Excellence and Function
The Fortress Citystate of Azureterra
Trials & Stagnation
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